Today I See...

...Through the eyes of a child

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tell it to the Marines!!

My life's goal is to become Levi Stubbs.

This is me being a panther for my upcoming show. Yes, I'm Bagheera, the wise (and sexy) black panter who mentors (among other things) young (in our show 18) Mowgli.

Paige and I are reknowned for starting what are known as "mass naps" or "nap orgies" in any group we may be a part of. In this case, the orgy was exclusive to seniors in the acting class. in fact... these are pretty much our only senior thespians! (Considering last year's senior class was huge... that's saying something.)

It's sideways... damn. Anyway, this is the world's sexiest musical instrument, an electric standing bass. I was literally attracted to this musical work of art.

I just found my grandparents' old wedding picture. They are so... wow! They are movie-star gorgeous. It is clear, even in the cheesy typical wedding photo, how much they love each other. For a coupl'a crazy Degos, they don't look half bad. They clearly came from the good-looking part of Italia.

Sixty years later (this picture was taken for their sixtieth wedding anniversary) the two are still very much in love. Maybe Nonna can't climb the steps, and maybe Grandaddy tells stories of "back in Italia" (he was born in America.) but the two are always there for each other. They never grow old. I am going to learn Nonna's secret pasta sauce recipe, and I will always be known as "what a doll, what a doll, what a doll..." by Grandaddy. I've even gotten better at not rolling my eyes when he hugs me and says, "I love to hug pretty girls." I'm his Karabina (a mix between "Kara Bean," my nickname as a kid, and "Carina," meaning loved one.
They love that I dyed my hair red. They always wanted a redhead.


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