Today I See...

...Through the eyes of a child

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day off (and pix from last week!)

This is the day I got sick.

That was five days ago.

I haven't been to school since.

These are some prints I made.

As you can see, they're all the same.

A less stable, more in-tune alternative to my beloved piano.

Designing a camp tee shirt was the last thing I did.

This is the nurse is a dumb bitch. (that's her office.) She said I didn't look sick, so I wasn't. I suffered through the rest of the day (only 3 more classes, where I didn't have to do anything; I actually slept through one.) and went home and had a 102 degree fever. :( I was bed [couch] ridden for the next 2 days, and got better just in time for girls' night!!!
NOW this is the documentation of my day off (for Columbus Day! Watch Gremlins and the Goonies!):

Laundry day for me; i forgot to give it to my mother this weekend.

lonely hampers. Guess which one's mine! ;)

I was trying to capture how hazy it is in my room today on account of my happy incense. There was literally smoke pouring out of my room as I opened the door to take this picture. It didn't come through very well though.

The sewing room, pre-cleaning.

After mounds of junk were cleared off the papasan chair, the pups took turns testing it to make sure it was good for us humans.

Kaia didn't like it as much as Hobbes.


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