Today I See...

...Through the eyes of a child

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Promise you won't forget about us!" "How could I? I'm taking you with me! GET IN THE CAGE!"

Wall signing

Paige is a BAMF tiger.

Pre-show dance party!

Why do I make such embarrassing faces?

It bothers me so much that my makeup makes me look like I don't have eyebrows. so much.

She's dressed like a snake but she's acting like a monkey...

BEST NEIGHBOR EVAR! (with our own Force Push handshake!)

We're so glam in all our furs...

Dee, you're lovely...

Bagheera, you BUZZKILL! the time I was listening to Arcade Fire...

Failure to take a photo...

That's better.

There's our 'hood parrot.

Senior side!

This is what life looks like when you're a SENIOR sitting on the SENIOR side of the meeting room.

I'm a wolf. Not a rabbit, not a cat, not a kangaroo, not a coyote. Wolf.

The 'hood bird strikes again.


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