Thursday, January 28, 2010

Themes in the unnamed story in which Siobhan and Nolan are characters....

Okay. So basically the story in which I have inserted Siobhan and Nolan is an alternative reality wherein dreams aren't mental, but universal. and Siobhan keeps having dreams about an ex-fiance, only to find that in fact he is stalking her in the Dream World. She tries to stop him using the Dream Machine (a real thing - a favored plaything of Tim Leary, actually, which puts the user into a dream state while they are awake using flashing lights to stimulate the brain and simulate REM) but accidentally allows him to use the machine to sort of stalk her telepathically while she is awake as well as asleep. complicated and heavy. refining the details, currently.

actually a connection into a past life, so closely paralleled to this life that upon awakening the dreamer is under the illusion that their dreams really took place in this life. Dreams can be controlled with very strong discipline and focus, and while everyone's dreams are personally correlated to the dreamer's specific past life, the "dream world" does not exist in solely one mind. Many people may be connected in one dream world, but everybody is not in the same dream world.
Dream Machine:
passage into the dream world where the dreamer is awake and aware of their state of dreaming. However, there are many dangers to its use: when one dreams involuntarily, they are basically reverting to their past life; their waking perception differs from their dreaming perception; the dream uses a dormant part of the brain, explained below.

The Brain:
The 10% or 15% of the brain that is used by a person is only used in waking. other parts are used that we are unaware of, because they are not used in this world; simply in the dream world. they are not detectable because the soul of the person using them is not in the world in which we are trying to detect them. (pardon the circumlocution.) When one dreams, it unlocks a part of the brain which was used in the past but which has been moved upon the passage into the new life. With some mihshap these parts can become active or linked to the active part of the brain, and this may cause bipolar disorder, dissociative identity disorder, or any number of schizophrenic behaviors.

If two peoples' dreams lead them back to the same life, they can become aware of each other and their surroundings and if one has the focus to control their dreams, they can easily find others in that world while they dream. This, of course, creates one of the dangers of the dream machine. Paul has found a way to follow Siobhan in her dreams. However, as long as it remains in the dream world, there is no true way he can hurt her. However, when Siobhan uses the dream machine, he takes advantage of her waking state and creates a link into her active brain, whereby he can infiltrate not only her dream mind, but her waking mind as well. At first he is able to intimidate her through telepathy, then as he gains more control, through hallucination.

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