Today I See...

...Through the eyes of a child

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Malbeth the Seer Speaks!

This is an incense burner i'm making in art.the incense is not only burned ::in:: the box, it can also be stored in it.

i am quite proud of myself on this one.

This is my tea set: a huge assortment of teas in that sampler box - way more than just the kinds that came with it, sugar cubes (because sugar isn't as good when it's not cubular.), my fashionista mug, and a knife for stirring purposes.

Freshmen form their red earthy clay into coil pots, pieces of cake, and poorly-disguised bongs.

Pomegranate Green Tea this morning! (for cup one, at least. I drink about three cups every morning with Kian.)

Pregnant Joan and Bitchy Bre shirk their clay-forming duties.

This is Will, my journal. It is loyal and sturdy and always there to write in. And I write a ::lot.::

Kian, freshly groomed (by some cruel trick of fate, actually. He only went in for a trim, but his mother was in cahoots with the salon, and had them cut it ALL off!) plays a freshman's guitar in the band room. We spend a lot of time jammin' here... instead of going to class...



I remember being in marching band... I was there for a year. It was fun, I guess, but really not my thing.

Newspaper editors and writers get down to business.

It was Natalie's birthday! (She is Paige's co-Editor-In-Chief.) We had three kinds of cake and two kinds of chips! haha
So Kian and I had to trash our band name idea - The Ragamuffins - due to the fact that it is apparently a derogatory term for black people. Hence, we are looking for a new name. We thought it would be awesome to nab a phrase from Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit and make that our name, and while we were at it, we decided to put some music to Tolkien's Middle Earth poems and songs. We may be called the Misty Mountains, or Malbeth the Seer, orthe Mewlips... idk what our fixation is with the letter M, but they're all pretty awesome names. And we love our geekdom - we only hope the rest of the boys will share in it with us.


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