Today I See...

...Through the eyes of a child

Friday, October 2, 2009

I saw you, you saw me... were naked, which was weird.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How do you spell AIDS? ...Are you positive?

Joy is just a thing that I been raised on
Love is just a way to live and die
Gold is just the Pennsylvania wheat fields
Blue is just the Pittsburgh summer skies

I have an obsession with these harem pants. They are so comfortable.

The epic armor-belt which held up my harems!

I think I am quite literally the only one in my school who drinks this stuff. It is the most delicious flavored water in existence, as it is literally water, a hint of the flavor of the fruit, and nothing else. It is like having water with a slice of lime, no sweetener or other grossness.

The dangers of capitalism and school sponsorship: I eat this chocolate all the time. I can feel my arteries clogging with pure fundraising filth. Kian brought up an interesting point yesterday after eating nearly 2oz of peanut butter-filled profit: everyone feels wonderful about eating a Sarris chocolate bar until after they've eaten it. Then you just regret it so badly, for the rest of the day. I am drowning in fucking regret, man.

Even James Joyce could not hide from the wretched "real girl."

In our building, each room has been issued a large grey "emergency kit" (which contains things like gas masks, sterilizer, etc - no joke) in lieu of the recent Pittsburgh outbreak of H1N1. Swine. I needed a bandage today for a blister from my damned shoes, and the only place where could get one was the sterile, sealed-off bin in the corner of the English room. I contaminated that bin only to find that the only "self-adhesive medical strips" were the size of that pictured above: barely larger than a quarter. These would not be effective on a baby. However, they are perfect for combatting dangerous pandemic diseases!

These girls are the reactionary haters who believe that it is just for volunteer firefighters, EMTs, and rescuers from the 9/11 attacks do not deserve the same health treatment as state-employed Firemen and police because they are not on government payroll. (Also, Cuba is terrible and universal healthcare will turn us into poor, starving Communists.)

Tickets earned by the Newspaper booth at last night's Homecoming Carnival.

Today my addiction was cherry Chapstick. I think it's laced.

Outrage! Revolt! I came into Jazz today, ready to play some Blues Brothers or Andrews Sisters or (gag) even Gloria Estefan (is anyone really ever ready to play Gloria Estefan music?) ONLY TO FIND MY BELOVED (yet poorly-tuned) UPRIGHT SHOVED BACK IN ITS LONELY CORNER LIKE SOME PITIFUL MUTT. I ranted, and a few strong boys pushed it back into place for me :)

Commence rehearsal. Kiana and Alex cradle the young Sabrina

A fellowship of underclassmen and stage crew.

Pet freshman (also called "Connor," though I'm not sure why...) declares, "No pictures, please." He's too important.

This kid has a serious App addiction. Although I did get my fortune told by his iPhone in about fifty different ways, and I learned how to make Vienna coffee with Cooking Mama!

Sabrina the Teeny Bitch (as she is lovingly called behind her back) stole my camera.

I then decided to play with closeups.

Kiana's eyes make me jealous. Their shape is perfect. That makes up for the fact that she bit me.

Pet freshman, unaware that his face is to be featured on my daily log until the red LED illuminated his young face.

Once again. How does one come across such amazing eyes?

My second-favorite freshman, Matt, learning how to be a jungle kid. He takes refuge in the moments he has under the director's scrutinous eye, for once he is left alone, his fears become reality, and Paige and I pounce, administering stifling, invasive hugs and shouting gaily, "BAWOOOO! BAWOOOO!"

A freshman naps.

I did not take these pictures. My thought is that the napping freshman took advantage that I left my camera unattended and left some dashing pictures of the Theatre God, Forton. (No... not Thespus. Forton.) Here, he takes a break from doing ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to show off his sexy body.

Kaia came inside tonight as I was reading my nightly chapter of Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," one side of her face and body completely stained green from (I am guessing) rolling in the grass. In the yellow-green glow of the fluorescent light, it was difficult to get a good picture of it that would accentuate the green tint of her right side, but I think these two did pretty well.

Here you can see it very well. She's also quite cute!

A single green paw.
This post was quite long. I got a bigger SD card, so I have a rather unlimited number of pictures at my disposal. I will try to be more selective as time goes on so as to not make gruelingly long posts every day.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Seulement parce que vous croyez vous ettes "la merde!!!"

Mad props to my girl Alexis who took the time to do these pictures for me!!!! She is currently in the process of editing, and I love her to death.
Also thank you to CV's Photo/Visual/Computer Communications facility for letting us use their maaahhhhvelous studio and editing software!!!!! ♥

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far awayyyy

These pictures are yesterday's. But that doesn't make them any less special.

Period one. I cut away at a large slab of eraser (easycut) with linoleum tools.

Its gonna be printed.

World's most orgasmic tea. Chunmee green tea flavored and sweetened with pomegranate. I can die happy.

Oh my God...

...Steve broke the sexy electric bass. We cried for about ten minutes.

Donna Bailey's fearless (and talentless) trio, rehearsing music they've never heard and don't know.

Here's a kid who is literally a foot shorter than me. I caught him in the act of pulling up his "shorts," which moments beforhand were dragging on the ground. (He's so gangsta. Gangsta mini.)

Ahhh, yes. Here we find the Sasquatch in its natural habitat.

Kian plays with the controversial 90's sensation, the slap bracelet. They make quite exquisite glasses.

Dancers at work.

And dancers at rest.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I have pictures!

...on my camera.
. my car.

My mouth still hurts. I need to become a doctor so I can discover the cure for geographic cancre sores.

Once i figure that out, I will retire.

Today I accomplished absolutely nothing. I went to school 2 hours late, did nothing in any of my classes, was supposed to have an outdoor drill but it was too cold so we stayed inside and napped, and I didn't have to dance!! AND instead of picking my brother up from school I decided to hang out with a pretty awesome guy and do pretty awesome stuff like play Beatles Rockband.
My pictures were pretty cool today. Forgive me for being too lazy to go out and get them. I'm also wearing cheetah pajamas.
...not that I would be seen, considering it's dark...
Truckie would see me. That's embarrassing enough.
To bed with ya!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tell it to the Marines!!

My life's goal is to become Levi Stubbs.

This is me being a panther for my upcoming show. Yes, I'm Bagheera, the wise (and sexy) black panter who mentors (among other things) young (in our show 18) Mowgli.

Paige and I are reknowned for starting what are known as "mass naps" or "nap orgies" in any group we may be a part of. In this case, the orgy was exclusive to seniors in the acting class. in fact... these are pretty much our only senior thespians! (Considering last year's senior class was huge... that's saying something.)

It's sideways... damn. Anyway, this is the world's sexiest musical instrument, an electric standing bass. I was literally attracted to this musical work of art.

I just found my grandparents' old wedding picture. They are so... wow! They are movie-star gorgeous. It is clear, even in the cheesy typical wedding photo, how much they love each other. For a coupl'a crazy Degos, they don't look half bad. They clearly came from the good-looking part of Italia.

Sixty years later (this picture was taken for their sixtieth wedding anniversary) the two are still very much in love. Maybe Nonna can't climb the steps, and maybe Grandaddy tells stories of "back in Italia" (he was born in America.) but the two are always there for each other. They never grow old. I am going to learn Nonna's secret pasta sauce recipe, and I will always be known as "what a doll, what a doll, what a doll..." by Grandaddy. I've even gotten better at not rolling my eyes when he hugs me and says, "I love to hug pretty girls." I'm his Karabina (a mix between "Kara Bean," my nickname as a kid, and "Carina," meaning loved one.
They love that I dyed my hair red. They always wanted a redhead.