Today I See...

...Through the eyes of a child

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Themes in the unnamed story in which Siobhan and Nolan are characters....

Okay. So basically the story in which I have inserted Siobhan and Nolan is an alternative reality wherein dreams aren't mental, but universal. and Siobhan keeps having dreams about an ex-fiance, only to find that in fact he is stalking her in the Dream World. She tries to stop him using the Dream Machine (a real thing - a favored plaything of Tim Leary, actually, which puts the user into a dream state while they are awake using flashing lights to stimulate the brain and simulate REM) but accidentally allows him to use the machine to sort of stalk her telepathically while she is awake as well as asleep. complicated and heavy. refining the details, currently.

actually a connection into a past life, so closely paralleled to this life that upon awakening the dreamer is under the illusion that their dreams really took place in this life. Dreams can be controlled with very strong discipline and focus, and while everyone's dreams are personally correlated to the dreamer's specific past life, the "dream world" does not exist in solely one mind. Many people may be connected in one dream world, but everybody is not in the same dream world.
Dream Machine:
passage into the dream world where the dreamer is awake and aware of their state of dreaming. However, there are many dangers to its use: when one dreams involuntarily, they are basically reverting to their past life; their waking perception differs from their dreaming perception; the dream uses a dormant part of the brain, explained below.

The Brain:
The 10% or 15% of the brain that is used by a person is only used in waking. other parts are used that we are unaware of, because they are not used in this world; simply in the dream world. they are not detectable because the soul of the person using them is not in the world in which we are trying to detect them. (pardon the circumlocution.) When one dreams, it unlocks a part of the brain which was used in the past but which has been moved upon the passage into the new life. With some mihshap these parts can become active or linked to the active part of the brain, and this may cause bipolar disorder, dissociative identity disorder, or any number of schizophrenic behaviors.

If two peoples' dreams lead them back to the same life, they can become aware of each other and their surroundings and if one has the focus to control their dreams, they can easily find others in that world while they dream. This, of course, creates one of the dangers of the dream machine. Paul has found a way to follow Siobhan in her dreams. However, as long as it remains in the dream world, there is no true way he can hurt her. However, when Siobhan uses the dream machine, he takes advantage of her waking state and creates a link into her active brain, whereby he can infiltrate not only her dream mind, but her waking mind as well. At first he is able to intimidate her through telepathy, then as he gains more control, through hallucination.

Second Character Analysis: Nolan

Nolan Mortimer Charles, despite previous claims in this book, was indeed a camper. Mostly. The 21-year-old lived with his Presbyterian Sunday-School mother and father in their two-bedroom, two bath block of suburban real-estate – also known as squatting in their basement to avoid contact with his family members – and other times he curled his body into the limited space of a reclining chair in his best friend’s one-room apartment above a black beauty salon. He liked this much more. Parents were wonderful and a good source of income, but 21 years with any two people under one roof is far too long a time. So roughly weekly he picked up his small wardrobe and set up camp somewhere else.

Nolan was a pro at packing up and camping out. He could carry all of his belongings with him in an old backpack and a guitar case. He was the master roustabout, the stay-at-home drifter with the borrowed wallet (complete with borrowed money) and the wanderlust of a westerner with a spike in his shoe and a book of matches at his heel. He wanted to run like a Kenyan to all corners of the world. He wanted to know how to pitch a tent solo and blow smoke rings and pick his own fresh salads right off the street. (Siobhan picked a salad once. She called it urban scavenging. It was complete with dandelions and wild onions, an apple which overhung from a yard they passed while walking, and mustard greens from the park.)

Nolan liked walking through the woods with a Canon EOS Rebel XSi and capturing the dust to which he would one day return, as promised. As a kid watching the Lion King, he had taken to heart Mufasa’s preachings: “When we die we become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass, and so we are connected in the great Circle of Life.” How could a lion become grass? Would he, too, one day retire and expire under the naked branches of a dying tree, and shed his useless mortal shell, an offering of meat which could no more contain his wandering soul than his parents’ basement? In that case, what more was flesh and bone but a rented flat for a soul in transition from nativity to enlightenment – or heaven – or wherever? If Buddha had the right idea, and Nolan was simply apartment-hopping from body to body based on Karma the way 20-somethings do based on income, what held him back from choosing to move out now? Who was the landlord? He wanted to have a chat. Unless… if he objected to Karma, would Karma send him to a cardboard box instead of a penthouse? Maybe he had been going about this all wrong. Maybe if he sucked up to Karma it would do the right thing. Actually, maybe it was all just a Disney movie.

Currently, Nolan had camp set up in Siobhan’s house. He had it all to himself. While she was stuck with her prudish mother and judgmental Phoebe and whorish Luna, shoveling their way up a steep slope just to get in the door of the cabin and throwing logs into a wood stove and freezing their asses off, her father was stuck in Buffalo with his touring band with a week’s worth of delayed flights. Nolan had called and begged, and Siobhan had given him trouble, and he had promised to get Noah out of his apartment so they could have some privacy when she got home, and she had complained about the beauty salon, and he had talked a little dirty, and then he had talked a lot dirty, and she had told him that Mags wanted to know why she was turning pink, and he had told her just say yes, and she had said of course, just get out before we’re back and no smoking inside except in the attic with a window open, and he had said thank you I love you, and she had said no you don’t, silly.

Silly. Was he really silly? They had been having sex for months now, and friends for plenty longer, and she had let him bestow upon her gifts and adorations and declarations of her beauty (although the latter she always denied), and she had admitted she was happy when she was with him! He was happy with her. He was happy with her body next to his, with her skin on his skin, with her lips on his lips. He was happy with her funny foreign cigarettes, and with her quirky ideas about religion and marriage and literature, and with her ten slender fingers, curved into divine arches which cascaded from the edges of her palms and onto the black and white keys of any piano in her reach. He was happy with her mind, which was vast and endless, and her soul, which was not so easily swayed to change, and her trust, which he supposed now was in part with him.

The problem with the “friends-with-benefits” deal was deceit. Isn’t that all it was? They could be getting to know each other and falling into something real and serene and mutually happy (love?) when they were busy deceiving themselves and each other and everyone around them. Every day going out into the world and declaring their mere friendship to everyone around them (except coy Luna and disapproving Phoebe and Noah and, he supposed, Paul. Luna and Phoebe both had some strong opinions about what they were doing, and consistently were badgering Siobhan about their concern. Noah thought it was awesome that Nolan was getting as much ass as he was without commitment. Frankly, Nolan didn’t give a rat’s ass about what Paul thought.) and keeping a respectful distance, then casting away pretense at night when they could. Telling themselves that there was nothing special between them; merely physical pleasure and a silly secret. He wanted to love her. He wanted to show her to the world and say “she is mine,” and lace their fingers like shoelaces, binding their hands tightly in a polite embrace that foiled and redeemed their nocturnal, tantric indulgences. He wanted to kiss her lightly on the lips without tongue, and watch her beautiful mouth curl into a smile as the moons in her eyes ignited and shined their glowing beams on his face. He wanted, for once, for her to stay with him after they had sex and fall asleep in his arms instead of leaving him with a kiss lingering on his lips and running home or to Phoebe’s or somewhere else that was not at his side. He wanted her love in return. He wanted to feel it in his gut, where now he only felt a rumbling hungry emptiness; the same nausea that occurs when one drinks tea without first having food in their system; the need to vomit but nothing inside to expel.

First Character Analysis: Siobhan

Margaret’s daughter, Siobhan, was a young, free-spirited sort of woman with too many friends and not enough things to do with them. She was defiantly pretty, in the way a mutt is pretty without being allowed to participate in Pedigree or Kennel Club bitch beauty pageants. Her blue eyes were like a child’s – wide and round and magnified a size and a half too large for her head, with long lashes that combed her bushy brown eyebrows. Her eyes had bags under them from a blend of school and her work as a stock girl in the spice aisle of an uppity gourmet supermarket. She was a caged bird; not a dove, but not a crow either. Perhaps a thrush or even a pigeon. She spent her time avoiding her parents and studying alternative music with sickeningly romantic lyrics. Some of the best songs had the most terrible words. But they did have minor augmented chords and half diminished thirteens and the most absurd tensions. Siobhan could not play guitar. She could figure out block chords on her eight hundred dollar Yamaha keyboard and play them in succession, but she left the actual music part to her audiophilic friends.

Siobhan was on the porch smoking down a pack of grape Swisher Sweets. Cheap blunts were her specialty; she loved the taste of artificially-flavored cancer. Her big eyes were not especially blue today, but then again neither was the sky. The snow-spawning clouds invaded her irises and filled them to the brim with a dull navy-gray, which only turned their impish size into those of a vintage doll, glassy and marble-like against her porcelain-painted skin. She smelled, as she always did, like copious amounts of various exotic varieties of different spices: Madagascar bourbon vanilla and pure aniseed were her favorite. At work she opened the aesthetic jars and took a pinch when no one was looking and rubbed it on her wrists. Spice had more character than Lovespell or Can-Can. It was a conversation starter, anyway.

It was a rather cold day. The snow – much less snow than white sheets of half-melting ice which were flowing glacially into the abandoned street below, picking up mud and dead grass from Mortimer’s tire tracks and spreading it haphazardly in eyeliner-streaks down the hill – was preparing its surface for another wave of precipitation; by the look of the pregnant, bulging winter clouds above her, it would start any moment now.

Why the FUCK wasn’t there any cell reception in the mountains by now?! The year 2010 was coming fast; the least society could have done was expanded to the more rural denizens. Duhring did have actual residents, after all. Why should they be denied the same luxuries as the more culturally up-to-date?

Siobhan lit her third blunt and sat down on the snow-soaked loveseat. She was hung-over. By her right foot sat a box of stale saltine crackers, from which she grabbed a handful and bitterly shoved a few in her mouth, taking the moment to ash her cigarillo. Drunkenness was not her favorite state of being. She preferred tobacco to anything, especially the middle-eastern variety, and weed was okay when she could get it. She liked the taste of vodka and she had been raised on wine (gradually diluted less and less by her grandfather), but too much made her murderously miserable. If there is anything worse than being a drunk, it is being an unhappy one.

In fact, Siobhan did not drink enough to alter her perception at all if she could manage it. She wouldn’t have touched more than a light beer last night if it hadn’t been for Paul, her ex-fiancé, forcing his way back into her life. She had been able to successfully forget him for the past three months; it was not until now that he had been able to get to her. Breakdowns are rarely graceful, unless executed by Audrey Hepburn or Kate Winslet, and that certainly rang true for Siobhan, who immediately got shitfaced and began swapping saliva with total strangers, most of whom were gay. Upon the midnight falling-out with her fiancé, she had reached for her cell phone, a bottle of spiced rum, and a twisty-straw, and sobbed incoherently to Nolan and Luna for an hour and a half. Nolan had not been much help, but then again he had probably been drunk too. Luna had listened patiently and intently and did the best she could to calm Siobhan down enough to reason with her about the evil Paul, whom she had dubbed the Cruel Overlord of Adultery.

Phoebe drove Siobhan home. Phoebe did not drink. She did not smoke weed, and she was too sensitive to tobacco to smoke that either. Phoebe was highly disapproving of any form of vice, except of course sex. She had been in the practice of mothering babbling, boozed idiots for a half decade on account of her late husband Eoghan, whose many addictions were not limited to beer and cigarettes. If she had learned anything from Eoghan, it was to remain absolutely silent. Siobhan knew that she was angry, so she stayed quiet too, and resigned to wiping off her makeup before the waterworks started. It didn’t take two steps past the threshold of the house. As she was shedding her coat, and her hat, and her scarf, and her gloves, Phoebe asked if she needed anything. She responded by collapsing in her arms and wailing like the sick puppy she was. Phoebe made her go to bed, and returned with a piece of herbed toast (with pure aniseed), a dark chocolate truffle (with a Madagascar bourbon vanilla center), and a piping hot cup of Tension Tamer to calm her nerves.

It was at this time that she had begun her cellular tirade on the eardrums of Nolan and Luna. Nolan tried to listen, but ultimately changed the subject. He greatly valued his own sanity, and such conversations with a drunk friend-plus-benefits were not entirely beneficial mentally. She appreciated his effort; she thought it was cute that he tried to get her mind off of the subject. He was actually getting his own mind off of her. Luna allowed herself to get personally involved so that Siobhan would not have to, called up the sonofabitch, and verbally castrated him. The Tension Tamer kicked in around that time. Tension Tamer was liquid hookah. Phoebe was mini-mother. Siobhan slept heavily on someone else’s bed. She woke up at 4 a.m. hungry as fuck.

That was why Siobhan was smoking her life a few hours shorter on this cold day. She had slept for the entire northward drive, awakening briefly only to pop some aspirin and eat a fast food breakfast. (Hold the onions, extra cholesterol, please.) Margaret was inside, and so were Phoebe and Luna. Innocent Margaret pointed out that something smelled peculiar. Phoebe choked and left the room. Luna knew the smell of Swishers all too well, but kept her mouth shut, for all Margaret’s other suspicions about her daughter would somehow be confirmed if she could verify that she smoked. That isn’t to say all the suspicions weren’t absolutely true. Margaret suspected a lot about her daughter about which she kept her lips tightly pursed. She did not know much at all about any of her relationships, and she even knew very little about Paul, except that he had long ago been Siobhan’s boss and that they both quit their jobs in order to be together. Therefore she knew nothing about her daughter’s sex life – which, of course, she always hoped half-optimistically was non-existent. As far as Margaret was concerned, Siobhan was ready to tell her anything that might happen in her life, and seeing as Siobhan never told her anything, she was leading a pretty decent one. She figured her daughter was repulsed by drugs and had a strong conviction concerning the role sex played in relationships.

Siobhan finished her pack in a record fifty minutes. She had taken a short stroll through the desolate campground, dragging sticks through the deep parts of the half- frozen swamps to wake up the hibernating frogs and toads under the surface. No one in the cabin would have enjoyed one blunt with her, and she was perfectly fine with that. It is one thing to enjoy a blunt with friends. That is when one has deep conversations and gets to know people, and depending on who one is with, it can lead to some pretty interesting topics and potentially to some mild sexual activity in the back of a pickup truck. But enjoying a blunt on one’s own is a twisted sort of meditation. Smoke has a way of clearing one’s mind by simply clouding it up. It clogs the unnecessary thoughts and chokes them and somehow has the wisdom to keep the important thoughts clean. Siobhan did not entirely believe this, but the thought came to her as she was walking.

Anyway, tobacco was supposed to be relaxing, right? She never inhaled all the way more than once per blunt, because it made her cough. Her lungs were quite more used to shisha and Virginia Slims and other smoky substances, that the queer pureness of the cheap cigarillo excited her nerves too much.

She had enjoyed the first Swisher of this pack down at the swimming hole with her dog, Carmen, chasing invisible sprites around the thick ice which stifled the usually rushing waters of Pine Creek. The monochrome of the ice and snow and gray, rolling clouds made it unreal enough that no thoughts needed insult her relaxation. At that point, Luna had been off somewhere taking pictures of the snow-covered branches and broken ice and dogs and General Winter’s ambush on Northern Pennsylvania. She had abandoned Siobhan at the creek to chase a windstorm whose breath blew the forest’s new cover into a snowy maelstrom around her. That is where she began thinking of the art of smoking solitaire.

Smokers smoke for any variety of reasons, obviously. Kids smoke because they think it’s cool. Women smoke because it brings them at level with men. Men smoke because it makes them more animal than they already are. Social butterflies smoke to make more friends who smoke, teenagers smoke to disobey. Loners smoke because they’re alone. Some people smoke for fun, be it social or masochistic, some people smoke to punish themselves. Alaska smokes to die. Old men smoke because it’s what they did when they were young men. Young men smoke because they hang out with too many old men. That’s all cigarettes, of course. Once you get into things like straight tobacco and other potentially harmful lung-steams a whole new slough of reasons surfaces. Siobhan made a mental note to recount them to… someone. Nolan would listen, but he was not a camper. Nolan was probably presently smoking as well back home in the jolly Christmas suburbs, where the snow forgot to fall on the roads and the cold was abolished once you went inside. Nolan smoked blunts almost more regularly than Siobhan. He also smoked weed. Nolan smoked because it wasn’t as scary as dropping LSD. Nolan smoked because he was a musician, and all the good musicians smoked. Tom Waits smoked. Tom Waits was a good musician.

Siobhan smoked because…. Because she was Siobhan. She smoked because she didn’t know a good enough reason yet not to. Cancer didn’t scare her; she had a family history of it but it was comprised solely of survivors. She didn’t value her voice musically, others did that for her. All she valued were her fingers. And what would smoking do to them? Burn them, perhaps. She had certainly burnt herself many a time. But it had never done any permanent damage. In fact, a glissando was much more possible on her heavy-weighted keys now than ever since she had burned her pointer on a hookah bowl. The scar ran the outside length of the finger, and had calloused so well that it was tough as leather.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We Could Feel it All Over

Dear camera, please stop losing half of the pictures I take. I liked some of those pictures you said were unavailable. I'm sorry for whatever I did, but I think we should be friends again. Love, Kara.
So my band - The Ragamuffins, soon to be known (as of after this next gig) as Red Hook Winery, is partaking in a battle of the bands next week. This is one of our final rehearsals

Here is the dual setup for my keys. I love love love it.

I love this mic.

Crazy Steve, our drummer, eating a cookie from my mom.

Pretty much all the pictures of people other than Crazy Steve got deleted. Damn camera.

Chips and Schweppes while we review the recording we made. The first practice in a while we haven't gone out for a smoke.

The boys are enticed by Tom's brother, who is fiddling with some crazy program called Synthesia on the computer. They watched in awe. AWE. I did too, but then I took this picture, and then we played more music, and then I came home.
I hope to have some pictures from the battle, and also from the weekend of partying that ensues.