It was Natalie's birthday! (She is Paige's co-Editor-In-Chief.) We had three kinds of cake and two kinds of chips! haha

So Kian and I had to trash our band name idea - The Ragamuffins - due to the fact that it is apparently a derogatory term for black people. Hence, we are looking for a new name. We thought it would be awesome to nab a phrase from Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit and make that our name, and while we were at it, we decided to put some music to Tolkien's Middle Earth poems and songs. We may be called the Misty Mountains, or Malbeth the Seer, orthe Mewlips... idk what our fixation is with the letter M, but they're all pretty awesome names. And we love our geekdom - we only hope the rest of the boys will share in it with us.